Taking your child to the dentist for the first time can be a very trying experience. Even if your child has been to the dentist before it helps to have tips to make things go more smoothly. This article will help you with your next trip.
As back to school approaches, more and more parents are trying to get those last few dental and doctor appointments scheduled. After all, we hate taking children out of school for their annual checkups and many of us have school forms that need to be completed. However, if your children are anything like mine, it has been some time since they last saw the dentist and they may be experiencing some fear about their upcoming visit. Find out how we handled the fears of two young children before and during their dental checkup.
Take a tour. My favorite pediatric dentist (as well as others in the area) actually offer mother's groups, preschools, and daycares a tour of the office and exam room if you have a group. Get a few friends together and contact your local dentist to see if one is available for you. A trial run at the dentist office can go a long way towards relieving fear and anxiety for the real deal at the dentist office.
Let's pretend. Do you have a stuffed animal at home with a mouth full of teeth? Hit the dollar store for inexpensive toothbrush items and act out brushing, flossing and cleaning teeth. Or you can pick up a pretend dental kit at a toy store, or use the sample items from your dental tour to act out what happens at the dentist office.
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