Monday, January 18, 2016

Sedation Dentists: The Cure to Dental Phobia

You know the feeling. You walk through the door to the dentist office and immediately break into a cold sweat. The drills, the tools, that hospital-grade clean smell - it's enough to make your stomach turn just thinking about it. But what if I told you there's a cure? That there's a way to keep up with your oral health without the anxiety of dental phobia. Well, my friend, let me introduce you to a new kind of dental experience: Sedation Dentists.

What Are Sedation Dentists?

Sedation Dentists are a special type of dentist. While they perform the same dental procedures as other dentists, they do it while the patient is induced into a dreamlike state. Imagine a place where all your dental anxiety is gone, where you're left with no memory of the procedure what so ever, and you awake with all dental work complete? That's what Sedation Dentists do. Using a tiny needle inserted through your arm, Sedation Dentists administer a measured blend of medications directly into the patient's bloodstream. The patient's baseline vital signs are monitored closely by a technician and the Sedation Dentist via BP, pulse and EKG monitoring.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Before you come in for your procedure, the Sedation Dentist will first assess whether or not you are a good candidate for sedation dentistry. Sedation Dentists require a complete and thorough evaluation of your medical history. Age, health, dental procedure, medical history and physical examination must first be complete. Next, the Sedation Dentist will take into account what type of procedure you will be receiving on your teeth. Sedation dentistry is typically reserved for more complicated procedures such as oral surgery, root canals or bone grafting. However, some patients experience such severe anxiety about the dentist, that they may never have even had their teeth cleaned. In cases of extreme anxiety, sedation dentistry may be used for general dental procedures.
Sedation Dentists undergo a lot of extra training to obtain the right to practice this rare type of dentistry. For more information call the Delray Beach Sedation Dentists of McCauley Dental at 561-272-8555.